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We Spot The Signs Of A Compromise And Take Action

We’re Highly Efficient At Identifying Threats

Indicators of Compromise are clear evidence that an attack has taken place. We take valuable information from a compromise and identify what has happened. This allows us to shape our service and approach to implementing the correct solutions that protect your business from similar attacks in the future. Our experts will implement the correct security technology that uses known indicators of compromise allowing us to proactively protect against threats. Security breaches can take many different forms. From unusual account behaviour to configuration changes and networks patterns. Whatever they might, we’re here ensuring we act fast when a compromise is identified.

  • Accreditation Designed For Every Business

    Cyber criminals are always looking to take advantage of vulnerabilities and weaknesses so they can attack your business. Cyber essentials is government recognised and designed to protect your business. We ensure we reduce risks and vulnerabilities by helping you to implement cyber essentials that underpin the security of your data, networks and your business.

Support That You Can Trust

A Tailored Level Of Support Designed For Your Business

It’s vital that your business adheres to a set of cyber security principles in order to protect your business and your client data. Our team of cyber security experts can help you understand the certification framework and ensure you meet the five verified security controls. Through our cyber security services for business, we can mitigate risks and ensure that the correct processes are in place to prevent attacks, providing peace of mind and confidence in the security of your business.

Don’t Overlook the Importance Of Cyber Security Essentials Accreditation

A Clear Approach to Cyber Security

In the digital and data-driven world we live in, you are legally obliged to ensure you keep your systems secure. The accreditation is imperative to the success of your business and it will ensure that you provide reassurance to customers and users that you are implementing the correct processes to mitigate risks. We can help provide a clear image of your organisation’s cyber security level, ensuring you reduce vulnerabilities.

Experts Who Are There For You

We Understand What It Takes To Keep Your Business Secure

We are highly recognised and reputable cyber security and essentials  experts who understand everything there is to know about getting your business accredited. The ever-changing world of cyber threats requires expertise and knowledge and so, we are here for you. We have been helping businesses stay ahead of threats and implement the correct protocols, ensuring their business remains safe, secure and highly effective.

A Wealth Of Benefits With Cyber Essentials Certification

Drive Your Business Forward

Cyber Essentials

The certification is designed to mitigate security risks and protect your business. Through this, we can ensure you are protected from cyber threats and we ensure all data is secure and protected. You can show your clients how seriously you take cyber security, improving confidence in your business while helping you to save money, time and the loss of sensitive data that could prove costly.


What are the 5 Cyber essentials?

It is a government backed certification scheme that enables you to prove that your business has followed set steps to protect against a cyber attack. This includes:

  • Using a firewall to protect your internet connection.
  • Choosing the most secure settings for your devices and software.
  • Control those who access your services and data.
  • Protect against viruses and malware.
  • Update software and devices.
Once businesses meet the criteria, they will be given a cyber security certificate.
How can we prevent cyber security thefts?

There are many different things that you can do to prevent cyber security crime. This can involve implementing strong passwords while keeping software updated will also help. You should also use a full-service internet security suite and manage all of your social media settings. The network should be protected using a firewall and all data should be protected using the correct technology. All of these form part of the cyber security certificate programs that are followed to become accredited.

What threats can cyber security prevent?

There are many different cyber attacks that your business might experience and that is why it is important to make sure that you are protected. This can include the likes of network security attacks, wireless security attacks, malware attacks and social engineering attacks.

What is Cyber Essentials accreditation?

This scheme is backed by the government and the industry and it helps businesses to protect themselves from the risk of cyber attacks. It clearly states the cyber security essentials that businesses should put in place to protect their users and their customers. Once businesses meet the criteria, they are then cyber essentials accredited and receive cyber essentials scheme certification.

How many businesses have Cyber Essentials?

It is now widely recognised and since it was launched in June 2014, more than 30,000 cyber essentials certified companies have been accredited.

How long is Cyber Essentials accreditation valid for?

Your accreditation is only valid for 12 months. If you let it expire, then you will be removed from the government’s certified organisations list. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you renew your accreditation each year.

What is the difference between Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus?

Essentials is a basic self-certification which means that businesses will only have to follow a minimum criteria in order to become accredited and classed as cyber essentials certified.

Essentials Plus is the highest possible level of certification which means that businesses will go through rigorous tests. An external vulnerability scan will be carried out by experts to see how robust your systems are.

Is Cyber Essentials a framework?

Yes, both framework are government-back and are supported by the National Cyber Security Centre.  The Cyber essentials framework sets out five basic security controls that organisations can implement to protect themselves from 80% of the most common cyber attacks and that will give them security accreditation UK. There is no cost other than the cost of implementing the required protection.