Comprehensive Managed Cybersecurity Solutions

Safeguard Your Business with Inflection Point's Expertise

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is not just an option; it's a necessity. At Inflection Point, we recognise the evolving threats that businesses face daily. From ransomware attacks to data breaches, the digital dangers are very real, and their repercussions can be devastating.

Inflection Point brings to your doorstep enterprise-level cybersecurity solutions traditionally reserved for large corporations. With our Managed Cybersecurity Services, businesses of all sizes can now benefit from state-of-the-art protection. Our approach is holistic. We don't just address problems as they arise; we proactively monitor, detect, and counteract threats before they materialise, ensuring your business remains robust and resilient against digital threats.

Trust Inflection Point to keep your data, assets, and reputation safe. With our expert team by your side, you can focus on what you do best: running and growing your business.

  • Tailored Cybersecurity Strategies for Every Business 

    Defence Designed for Your Unique Needs

    Every business is different, with distinct operations, goals, and vulnerabilities. Inflection Point takes the time to understand the nuances of your business, developing a cybersecurity strategy tailored specifically for you.

    Our cybersecurity specialists begin with a thorough assessment of your existing IT infrastructure, pinpointing potential weak spots. Drawing on our extensive industry knowledge, we then craft a bespoke strategy, ensuring every aspect of your business is protected.

    Our services go beyond mere defence mechanisms. We provide employee training sessions, ensuring that your team is well-versed in best practices, making them your first line of defence against cyber threats. 

  • Stay Ahead with Proactive Cybersecurity Monitoring

    24/7 Vigilance for Peace of Mind

    The digital world never sleeps, and neither do cyber threats. At Inflection Point, we believe that proactive monitoring is the key to robust cybersecurity. Our dedicated team vigilantly monitors your systems 24/7, ensuring threats are detected and neutralised before they can cause harm.

    Our advanced monitoring tools combined with our expert analysts mean that we can detect even the most subtle signs of a potential breach. We not only respond to these threats but learn from them, continuously updating our strategies to stay several steps ahead of potential attackers.

    Let Inflection Point be your trusted guardian in the digital realm.


What are cyber security solutions?

Cyber security solutions are designed to protect your business from a range of risks such as Malware, Ransomware, phishing and DDoS attacks. They are processes that are put in place by a cyber security solutions company to ensure that your business benefits from proactive data security solutions.

What are the 10 Steps to Cyber Security?

The ten steps are:

  • Risk management
  • Secure configuration
  • Network security
  • Managing user privileges
  • User education and awareness
  • Incident management
  • Malware prevention
  • Monitoring
  • Removable media controls
  • Home and mobile working
What are the 5 types of cyber security?

There are five different types of cyber security that can help to protect your business and reduce the risk of a cyber threat. This includes:

  • Critical infrastructure cyber security
  • Network security
  • Cloud security
  • Internet of Things security
  • Application security
How can small businesses improve cyber security?

There are a number of things that small businesses can do such as provide the right training for employees,  protect all information and networks, implement firewall security, backup data, control physical access to data and information, use passwords and authentication and limit employee access to data to enhance cyber safety. Working with cyber security solutions companies can help to make a difference and help you to benefit from cybersecurity in UK.

What cyber security solutions does your business actually need?

The cyber security solutions for small businesses will depend on your business but there are three basic digital security solutions that you will need. The digital security services you need will include perimeter security which creates a barrier between your network and the internet. You should then have intranet security which will protect devices and computers from malware that has managed to infiltrate your network. Finally, human security is also required as human errors can also lead to security risks.

Do small businesses need cyber security?

Yes, small businesses should have cybersecurity in place. Threats are constant and the size of your business does not matter. Therefore, it makes sense to put the basic level of IT cyber security UK in place as a minimum.

How much does cyber security cost for a small business?

The cost will depend on your needs and the size of your business but it should be seen as an investment. A cyber attack without the right security in place could cost you tens of thousands of pounds but cyber internet security is going to cost you a lot less than that. Companies that provide cyber security solutions will be able to advise on the cost of the solutions you need.

How can businesses prevent cyber attacks?

They can prevent cyber attacks by encrypting and backing up data. They should also educate staff so they know what to look out for but also what they should and shouldn’t do. It’s also important to tighten up your security solutions and use the latest technology to help you stay ahead of threats while improving your IT network security.